DASC 2016 was an Exciting Interchange of Ideas
35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference
Enabling Avionics for UAS/UTM (UAS Traffic Management)
We are pleased to announce that our plenaries will include UAS/UTM experts and decision makers from industry, government and academia, with featured invited speakers Parimal Kopardekar of NASA Ames, Noppadol Pringvanich of International Air Transport Association (IATA), and Mykel Kochenderfer of Stanford University.
On behalf of the the IEEE Aerospace Electronics Systems Society and the AIAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee, we are excited to inform you that the 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) will be held in Sacramento, California September 25-29, 2016. The 35th meeting of the DASC continues its history as the industry-leading avionics conference distinctive for its dual focus on both avionics and air traffic management. We are pleased to bring you a program themed on “Enabling Avionics for UAS/UTM” located in California near NASA Ames Research Center where the future for UAV traffic management is being shaped.
Students: Consider the Future of UAS/UTM in DASC Student Futurist Competition
The 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) will hold a student contest centered around the conference theme “Enabling Avionics for UAS/UTM”. The student contest has both a precollege division and an undergraduate division. It calls for students to respond to a series of questions on the future implications of UTM and seeks researched answers in a short document and/or presentation. Please see the detailed questionnaire at www.dasconline.org. Entries must be submitted by September 10, 2016. Students whose paper/presentation is accepted for an invited review, will be invited to present their results during the conference (in person in Sacramento or via a Skype link on the afternoon of September 28). Entries will be evaluated on the quality of answers and presentation. The three best presentations will be recognized and cash prizes reach up to $500.
DASC Social Program
Take advantage of your visit to the vibrant, cultural city of Sacramento and the surrounding areas by participating in the social activities prepared by the DASC Local Arrangements team. Social Program activities are available to attendees and/or their guests. This year's activities include a tour of the California State Capitol and Crocker Art Museum, a tour of Amador Wine Country, a trip to Lake Tahoe, and more.
Where we'll be...
Hyatt Regency Sacramento
Sacramento, CA, USA